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The merge of two established brands will always present unique challenges and goals. When Signia Financial and Globe Finance joined forces they needed a brand which carried the legacy of each company forward while establishing a new presence moving the new company into the future.

SigniaGlobe is the product of two inclusive and globally minded companies serving customers in Barbados.
The brand values of both Signia and Globe were important to the newly formed SigniaGlobe Financial.

One of the logomarks put forward during the rebranding process depicted the coming together of these two companies by merging the visuals of their previous logo-marks.
The external bands of Signia’s previous logo join together to form a Globe in their center, implying the unification of two forces serving Barbadians with an international approach.
This design option was ultimately rejected in favour another approach.

Signia Globe has a strong and unique customer-oriented vision for finance.
This logomark was developed from the visual of overlapping spheres,
representing the two financial institutions merging together.

The S representing Signia and g representing Globe were selected from the overlapping spheres.
This shape was then reversed to form the icon depicting two merging forces which, when brought together, create a unified institution with financial focus & clarity signified by the eye-shape at the center

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